Daniele Corradetti, Richard Clawson, Klee Irwin (2023)
Hurwitz algebras are unital composition algebras widely known in algebra and mathematical physics for their useful applications. In this paper, inspired by works of Lesenby and Hitzer, we show how to embed all seven Hurwitz algebras (division and split) in 3D geometric algebras, i.e. G(p,q) with p+q=3. This is achieved studying the even subalgebra, which is always of quaternionic or split-quaternionic type, and the algebra generated by the pseudoscalar which is always of complex or split-complex type. Reversion, inversion and Clifford conjugation correspond to biquaternionic, complex and quaternionic conjugation respectively. Octonionic algebras, i.e., octonions and split-octonions, are obtained in two ways introducing two different products, replicating a variation of the Cayley-Dickson process. Octonionic conjugation is achieved in the geometric algebra formalism through the involution defined by the full grade inversion.