Quantum gravity at the fifth root of unity
Ray Aschheim, Marcelo Amaral (2019)
Loops’19, University Park campus of Penn State, June 17 through Friday, June 21, 2019.
Vertex operators for an expanding universe
Piero Truini (2019)
Symmetries and Order: Algebraic Methods in Many Body Systems, 5-6 October, 2018, New Haven, CT
Synthesis and characterization of Pd and Ni nanoparticles confined in microporous structures for the LENR applications
Vladimir Dubinko, Volodymyr Kotsyubynsky, Pavlo Kolkovskyi, Volodymyra Boichuk and Klee Irwin (2019)
International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, 8 – 13 September 2019, Assisi, Italy
Nuclear Fusion of Hydrogen Isotopes Induced by the Phason Flips in Pd and Ni Nanoclusters
Vladimir Dubinko, Denis Laptev, Dmitry Terentyev, Klee Irwin (2019)
International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, 8 – 13 September 2019, Assisi, Italy
Mathematical modeling of particle tunneling in the double-well potential
V.I. Dubinko , A.S. Mazmanishvili , D.V. Laptev , K. Irwin (2019)
International Conference on Mathematical Modeling (mkmm-2019), 16 – 20 September 2019, Kherson, Ukraine
Numerical modeling of the dynamics of palladium and nickel clusters and nanoparticles and their hydrides
Denis Laptev, Dmitry Terentiev, Vladimir Dubinko, Klee Irwin (2019)
International Conference for Professionals and Young Scientists “Low Temperature Physics 2019”
Energy Localization in Hydrogenated Metals: Applications to the Rate Theory
Vladimir Dubinko, Denis Laptev, Dmitry Terentiev, Klee Irwin (2019)
CHAOS conference
Chemical and Nuclear Catalysis Mediated by the Energy Localization in Hydrogenated Crystals and Quasicrystals
Vladimir Dubinko, Denis Laptev, Valeriy Borysenko, Oleksii Dmytrenko, Klee Irwin (2018)
IWAHLM 2018 Conference
Discrete Breathers in Hydrogenated Metals: Atomistic Simulations and Applications to the Rate Theory
Vladimir Dubinko, Denis Laptev, Dmitry Terentyev, Klee Irwin (2018)
TARTU 2018 Conference
Chemical and nuclear catalysis mediated by the energy localization in crystals and quasicrystals
Vladimir Dubinko, Denis Laptev, Klee Irwin (2017)
IWAHLM 2017 conference
Catalytic mechanism in quasicrystals based on localized anharmonic vibrations
Vladimir Dubinko, Klee Irwin, Denis Laptev (2015)
Aperiodic Conference 2015
A New Approach to the Hard Problem: A Quasicrystalline Language of Primitive “Units of Consciousness” in Quantized Spacetime
Klee Irwin (2014)
TSC Conference